O-Chien, aka oyster omelette, I want to vouch for the perfection that is this plate of O Chien. It is an asolute travesty that this stall is as neglected as it is, we should be queuing for this around the block. If you're in the neighbourhood, you know where I think you should go. The oysters are massive, juicy, fresh, this is expertly fried. For even the most hardened O Chien advocate, the oiliness can be difficult to overcome when say, you are down to the last quarter of the plate,

the temperature has cooled therefore the oiliness becomes more apparent - I want to say that I gladly ate the very last morsels on this plate, it just didn't matter. And I could have kept on going. The o-chien team deserve massive props, please do yourselves a favour and go eat it. Will not disappoint or you can pelt me with rocks.

It is calling out for you.

My rather weird meal for the night failed to excite as much as the o-chien. Assured by M.Chow this was a reliable choice, I was rather disappointed - the rice was dry, the chicken was stringy. Perhaps it was a bad day, but for a momentary meatarian, this just did not cut it at all.

The ever-lovely Mama Chow