We were wandering around the vicinity of New World Park for a decidedly late lunch and decided to give Kissa-Koyotei on Hutton Lane a go.
The place was empty, save for the friendly waitresses in cosplay-like uniforms and their chain-smoking teenaged boyfriends seated by the bar, looking quite ill at ease with their avant-garde hairdos. Fat Tulip and I grudgingly acknowledged that the place felt nouveau Japanese, though we're not quite sure why. I think the blaring J-pop as well as the strictly Japanese spelling "Ara carte" on the menu may have something to do with it.
I was prepared for the food to be mediocre at best for we saw no one in the vicinity of the kitchen apart from the waitresses and one other very young looking chap. So I was pleasantly surprised when the grub delivered. I must refrain from my baseless assumptions on youth's culinary abilities. I remember what it was like to be young and dismissed once.
Extremely silken smooth and tasted of superior dashi (fish stock). I love uncovering the treasures hidden within a well-executed chawan mushi and this one came up with chicken, mushrooms and shrimps. Very palatable and texture comparable to Mama Chow's arms and Ollie's mochi cheeks.

We shared this because neither of us felt like we were getting enough greens of late. I find it difficult to give credit to salads that rely on iceberg lettuce for body but this one somehow worked. It came with generous slices of fatty pork and drenched (but not overly so) in a heavier, nuttier goma dressing.

As some of the family's in Yokohama, no doubt digging into the famed Cocoichibanya curry house, I felt I should also indulge in some. This came with a generous amount of curry with more tender pork and did not taste a bit like the supermarket-brand prepared curry stock cube. While it's no Cocoichi, I am happy to report that this is as close to it as I've ever tasted here.
Fat Tulip ordered a steaming pot of Sukiyaki and it came a thick broth of beef, mushrooms and tofu. He seemed reasonably pleased with it.
The bill was slightly over RM70 for 2 pax, which is more than what I'd usually pay for lunch, but it was better quality overall so we didn't grumble much.
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