We had pretty much sworn off lunch after consuming a more-ish breakfast of Char Koay Kak. But then lunch hour rolled around and naturally, we started thinking. And well, it IS Mag and Ollie's last day in Penang for a while.
We ended up at Amandari for Malay fare. We'd been there some years back and remembered being suitably impressed. However, my experience today was somewhat soured by an uninspired order and service so bad it made me want to seriously hurt someone. Mag, Mama and Papa Chow were all happy with their food though.
Oh, note that I am now posting as myself and not as Memo's doppelganger.

Not quite as dense as the kind I prefer, this one was somewhat lighter and not as flavourful.

Mama Chow's order came with three huge pieces of chicken drowned in curry. She gave it the thumbs up.

Kacang botol = Love. Especially when paired with fresh squid and sambal. This was near perfection and provided me reprieve from an oversight of an order (Nasi Goreng, which will not be featured here).

Both Mag and Papa Chow relished this down to the last peanut. I could only watch and feel sorry for myself.